Lachnellula occidentalis (G.G. Hahn & Ayers) Dharne
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi


© Adolf Ceska     (Photo ID #18837)


E-Flora BC Static Map

Distribution of Lachnellula occidentalis
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Species Information

Features include 1) small cups thickly set with white hairs on the outside and margin, the upper surface yolk-yellow to orange, 2) short stem, 3) growth on larch or sometimes other conifers, and 4) microscopic characters.
spores 12-17 x 3.5-6 microns, fusiform-elliptic [spindle-shaped - elliptic], smooth, colorless, uniseriate to biseriate; asci 8-spored, 110 x 9-10 microns, not turning blue in iodine; paraphyses filiform [thread-like], septate, forked, submoniliform toward tips [with constrictions at septa to give the effect of swollen cells like a string of long beads]; hairs colorless, thin-walled, septate, finely encrusted, tips blunt, (Breitenbach), spores 10-18 x 4-7 microns, elliptic, obliquely uniseriate, becoming one-septate on germination; asci 8-spored, reaching a length of 130 microns and a width of 12 microns, clavate; paraphyses filiform [thread-like], swollen at tips, 1-2 microns wide; hairs long, 3-4 microns wide, flexuous, roughened on outside; microconidia 2-5 x 1-1.5 microns, elliptic, or allantoid, simple, conidial stage "consisting or a fleshy stroma with irregular labyrinthiform cavities in which the microconidia are abstricted from the tips of slender, pointed, verticillately branched sporophores", (Seaver), spores 18-20 x 7-9 microns, elongate-elliptic; asci 120-150 x 10-12 microns, paraphyses exceeding the asci, monilioid, 1.5-2.5 microns wide with tip 4-5 microns wide; hairs cylindric, 2.5-4 microns wide, colorless, (Hansen)
Lachnellula occidentalis is found in BC, PA, and VT, (Seaver), Switzerland (Breitenbach), and Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, (Hansen). There are collections from BC at the Pacific Forestry Centre.

Habitat and Range

Lachnellula willkommii has larger spores and does not have submoniliform paraphyses, (Breitenbach). Lachnellula suecica has round spores, (Breitenbach). Lachnellula agassizii has smaller spores. See also SIMILAR section of Lachnellula calyciformis.
gregarious on dead branches of Larix (larch) still with bark, (sometimes also on old cankers), Picea (spruce), according to literature also on other conifers; March to December, (Breitenbach), abundant, scattered, or grouped, on species of larch (Seaver)


Synonyms and Alternate Names:
Dasyscypha occidentalis G.G. Hahn & Ayers
Grandinia helvetica (Pers.) Fr.
Hydnum helveticum Pers.
Lachnella occidentalis (G.G. Hahn & Ayers) Seaver